
Anjana is an Ayurvedic eye treatment that involves the application of medicinal formulations to the eyes. It is primarily used to enhance eye health, improve vision, and address various eye-related conditions. Anjana is often considered a natural and holistic approach to treating eye disorders, focusing on balancing the doshas (body energies) and promoting overall well-being.
  • Anjana involves the application of medicated substances (usually in the form of eye ointments or collyriums) to the eyes.
  • It is typically used in conjunction with other Ayurvedic therapies, like Nasya (nasal treatments) and Shirodhara (head oiling treatments), to treat specific conditions or improve general eye health.

Benefits of Anjana

Why Choose Anjana Treatment

Ayurvedic Anjana Treatment for Healthy Eyes

In Ayurveda, the health of your eyes is not just about vision but also about harmony within the body. Anjana is a traditional Ayurvedic eye therapy that nourishes, rejuvenates, and heals the eyes. By applying carefully prepared medicinal collyriums, Anjana helps treat various eye conditions such as dryness, irritation, and even helps in enhancing the health.

Benefits of Anjana Treatment
